NaNoWriMo: My Experience Thus Far

“12,581 and counting.” It is the eighth day of NaNoWriMo and I’m feeling pretty confident about where my novel is heading. I’m currently into the sixth chapter, and I feel like my character development skills have improved. I do have a new hobby in my life, and that is Youtube. I feel like I needed a […]

Sharing Your Experiences With The World

Good morning all! After the tough time I’ve been having recently, I’ve decided to branch out and do something that could potentially fuel my creativity as well as share my creativity with the world on a more personal level. So with that being said, I have uploaded a video to sharing my recent experiences. Check […]

R.E. Navan

If we chase our dreams long enough, they get tired of running.

The Cat's Write

Milly Schmidt

Behind the Cape

Digging into our favorite costumed (or non-costumed) superheroes & comic book characters.

Justice for Stratogale

NO CAPES, except of the wizarding variety.

Chinmaya's Superhero Blog

The place where Heroes Unite

Superheroes Unite!

Where heroes are defined beyond the fictional world